
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mafia Wars is way too addicting!

As I'm sitting here on my couch in the middle of a beautiful summer day, I am wasting time playing this stupid game on facebook called mafiawars. Why? There is really no point to it, there is no skill required, no brains what is the attraction? Not a clue! Maybe it's because I like to "collect" things. You should see my garage! My sister keeps telling me I need to have a giant garage sale-but I look at the garage and think "what would I sell?". I just like having 'things'. I remember an episode of the show Amazing Stories called: "Gather Ye Acorns" In this episode a man wanted to know how to get rich and was told to never throw anything away. It wasn't until years later when they sold off all he owned did he acquire said riches. I think that idea stuck with me to never throw anything away. I tend to buy items that I'm sure I can resell for a profit...and I have! I once sold a tote full of Star Wars Legos for $150! I paid about $9 at Goodwill (and a big thanks to my cousin David for putting all the pieces together for me) It is experiences like that that keeps me going back for more "junk". And so my garage is full to overflowing! I'm not entirely sure what this has to do with Mafiawars. I do know that I have acquired a lot of items during the course of this senseless game. My advise is to not get hooked on this game. I keep saying I'm not going to log back in and play it...but it continues to draw me back in...speaking of, I have to go, someone just fought me and I need to bank my money before I get robbed again!

1 comment:

David said...

Wow! You made $150 off that tote?! Amazing. Very nicely done.

I want my cut :P